
Info + Contact

—  About me, social media, and how to get in touch

—  About

May be by design or by chaos.

Either way my career has seen me travers the landscape of story telling only to find myself residing at either end of the spectrum of subject.  Music  / Counter Culture and Sport, two things I live for became the source of many of my projects.

Early in my career, I created music documentaries for the ABC and countless productions for Fox Sport where I was nominated for Australian Subscription Television Creative Of The Year among many other awards won.

During COVID, I was one half of the creative team that produced what many consider the world’s greatest lockdown concert, Powderfingers ‘One Night Lonely’. Watched live by half a million Youtube viewers, raising half a million dollars for Beyond Blue in the process. (A Howl Films Production)

In 2017 I joined forces with creative partner Dave Christison, we quickly melded into a dynamic creative team, each bringing a diverse set of skills and experience to the partnership.

Since then, under the shared banner of Riot, we have built upon that partnership with a focus on long-form documentaries and features, with 2023 seeing us advancing a number of films through various stages of production from development through to completion.

We work together in the capacity as writers, directors and creative producers, trading and sharing these hats depending on the project.

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